Healing Starts Here

Unlocking Your Body's Natural Healing Power: Understanding Symptoms as Signals and Treating Imbalances at the Source



Hiking in California

It was almost as if it happened overnight… suddenly at 15 I found myself struggling with joint pain, extreme fatigue, and brain fog. I was sleeping for over 12 hours, waking up exhausted. I had no appetite and no amount of food would buffer the weight I was losing. I battled anxiety and depression as the symptoms continued to compound.

A few frustrating years, lots of tears and too many doctors appointments later I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, IBS, Chronic Fatigue, AMPS and POTS, given only a few years to live with minimal quality of life. To be told you won’t make it until 28 puts a bit of a fire in your belly.

After dealing with years of grim diagnoses, intense pharmaceutical treatment and my body literally shutting down, I sought out a natural health practitioner as a last chance effort that ended up changing my life forever.

A bit about my journey…

Ocean, Happiness, Health Journey

What I hadn’t realised all this time was that my gut health was absolutely awful. I was extremely undernourished, my minerals and vitamin levels were completely wiped out and my body was reacting to everything I put into it.

By taking a step by step approach, addressing the root causes and replenishing the imbalances I was able to overcome these illnesses and found a new life full of abundant energy and a newfound sense of purpose.

Now in remission for over 5 years I have equipped myself to lead others to the wellness, happiness, and wholeness I found in natural health and supporting my body. It is my personal mission to make sure that I share the wealth of knowledge I have gained through my personal experiences and my education with as many people as possible.

You deserve to be heard, understood and given all the resources to promote healing and balance within your body.


  • Integrative Health Practitioner

  • 2023 Member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists

What is Integrative Health?

  1. Ayurvedic Medicine - the science of life

  2. Bioregulatory Medicine – the science of Self-Healing

  3. Traditional Chinese Medicine & Herbalism – using herbs and energy practices to enhance wellness.

  4. Eastern Philosophy – using the mind to heal the body.

  5. Traditional Naturopathy – using lifestyle changes to rebalance the body.

  6. Orthomolecular Medicine – all of the right molecules in the right amounts.

  7. Functional Medicine – helping people at a functional level - not at a disease level.

Take the first step to rebalancing your body