Free Discovery Session

Free Discovery Session

Have you struggled to find guidance or answers to issues you have battled with for so long? I have been there too.

This is your chance to dip your toes in without any commitments and ask any questions you may have.

In this session we will briefly discuss your current struggles and your goals to see if this is the right fit for you.

I do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach.

You can learn all about my approach here.

You are unique and your story matters.

Note: this session is available for new clients

About Tristyn

From humble roots grew a unwavering passion for wellness. After dealing with years of grim diagnoses, intense pharmaceutical treatment and unanswered questions I sought out a natural health practioner as a last chance effort that ended up changing my life forever.

Now in remission for over 5 years I want to lead others to the wellness, happiness, and wholeness I found in natural health and supporting my body.